In a miraculous turn of luck, my Art History final was not due today, which is great because I haven't done it yet. The only good things I can possibly think of right now are that I finally own pants that fit me, my members only jacket makes me look like a badass, Taloo is super cute, and there is no way I won't get an A in printmaking. Other than that, my life is a giant pit of three papers due Thursday, a presentation on Tuesday, a 20 page paper and a final next Thursday, plus a whole printmaking project (photo plates, type setting, printing, paper cutting and finally binding), make up assignments, and three finals in the next two weeks. I'm going to throw up all over my life and die of a coffee overdose. Also I have a giant headache.
Oh yeah:
I feel bad for frumpy lions. maybe I will write a book about one. also i like those crowns oooowhee!