THERE ARE NO SHAPES! What is that? Why is that?

The super fray was definitely already done by the Olsens and their devoted following of tiny 12 year olds. Plus, this is for a dude, which I extra don't like.
And what is going on with that jacket? At least its for a lady.
It one thing to wear some kind of baggy ripped up shit that you found at the bottom of your dad's closet, but its another to pay a gozillion dollars for something you could make yourself. I know its not supposed to matter how simple the garment was to make if the design is genius, but that is simply not the case. I like my dudes to look sharp, not like they were just dragged out of the river and Frankenstein'd to life.
Sharp, I say, sharp! Some nice sweaters, freshies, you know. Kind of like this guy. Like half that guy and half Kanye West.
Yeah. Like that.
Yesterday I dropped my phone in a pool, which was highly upsetting. Ollie dove in and got it for me, the sweet boy, and it was buzzing and seizureing and shit, and I was afraid it would never work again. But I held it under one of those automatic hand dryers in the locker room and then used a pocket knife to unscrew the entire thing and left it to dry over night, and lo! It worked! I hear its supposed to be freeing to not have a cell phone, but I was in a state of distress.
Also: Noah left for Maui last night, and I don't know when I'll ever see him again. Bummer. (I know that doesn't sound like I'm sad, but really I am.)
Hahahahahahahahaha. You could make it yourself. Oh man. You're an idiot.