Also he writes beautiful songs. In true broken-hearted artist fashion, he hid alone in a cabin for months after a break up and recorded an album. All the songs on For Emma, Forever Ago were composed with only a melody, and the words were added later. Its an interesting idea, to fit the words into the song based on the shapes of their sounds and not the meaning behind them. Clearly, he didn't just randomly throw words around, but he might not have thought about them too hard. I can't always tell what the words are, so I guess I'm only getting bits and pieces anyways.
This is my favorite song, and coincidentally the only official video in existence:
The whole album is lovely, really. It feels personal, delicate even. Maybe what I mean is that it makes me feel delicate. I can only listen to it alone, though. I've never managed to discover if other people have music like that too, that they can only listen to when they're alone because it makes them think too many things at once.
Well, whatever the case, For Emma, Forever Ago is great. As is this:
This is where you can download Re: Stacks
And this is where you can download The Park, which is a Feist cover.
He has a blog, which is probably more informative and better than mine, so here. It is called Creature Fear, which is also probably why I like him.
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