This past week went by slowly and quickly at the same time. I spent the first half of it with Rachel at Nate's, watching what is possibly the best spy show ever, MI5.

I'm basically in love with the protagonist, Tom Quinn. He's just so
hot. It's funny, because I remember going to see
Pride and Prejudice with Hattie and fighting about whether he was hot or not. She, of course, could see beyond his wispy hair and fluffy sideburns but I could not. I am officially admitting, right now, that I was wrong. Matthew Macfayden is beautiful:

He's married to that blonde girl from MI5, which is really cute:

Best outfits everThe second half of the week, Nate got really sick, so it was just me and Rachel. On Saturday, Zuri came over with her cutest bundle ever, Haruun.
The entire time they were over was one giant coo fest. It would have been sickening if he wasn't so fucking adorable. He's six wees old, and astonishingly well behaved. I'm used to babies crying all the time, but Haruun only really cried at the end of the night, and he was still cute. It's incredible that Zuri has a baby, but she's so good to him. He's a lucky boy.
Sunday at 12AM Rachel turned 21, so obviously we had to do something.
This is the second picture of Rachel's 21st year. The first was a disaster. The bars in this hick ass town have last call at 1AM, which is stupid, but Rachel managed to get a decent amount of liquor in a pretty short amount of time. Taz met us at Moonshadows, which was preposterously full, so we went to the Chanty.
Because he's always absconding with something of mine whenever I see him, he asked to borrow my sunglasses and disappeared with them. Luckily, I ran into Lexi outside of ShortStop this afternoon and she was wearing them.Of course, Tattoo Chris was there, and Jake Miller and Mallison stopped by for a bit. Zac Alling was there and after what I imagine was a vaguely awkward hello, Rachel and I ended up going back to his house in the middle of nowhere and drinking and playing scrabble. I lost, of course, because I am an
awful scrabble player. But we listened to Beirut and Animal Collective and it was good.
Because they used to be together or some other such nonsense, Rachel was all squeely and saying she wanted to hook up with him, which is a TERRIBLE idea. When they were together she was miserable, and he's with her friend Kirsten now anyway, which kind of seals the deal. I told her that if she tried anything trixy I would walk the 2.5 miles home in the middle of the night. Of course, that was an empty threat. At some point I passed out and she tripped to the bathroom to vomit and ended up in Zac's bed. Thankfully (for everybody's sanity) nothing happened, but she thought I really did walk home because I was gone when they woke up. Really, Jason called me to do some photo stuff, and he picked me up at 11.
I suppose it could be said that my tentative venture into the soup of a social scene in Ithaca is going well. I haven't a clue if it will continue to even be a venture now that Rachel is back in Brooklyn, but we'll see. I have to see Nate at some point, because Rachel left some library books at his house and I left all my liquor there, which he will drink unless I get it back. Also, I really,
really want to watch more MI5, and he's got the entire series at his fingertips. Zac made some kind of noise about driving down to New York this weekend for Rachel's birthday party, but he probably won't do it.
And speaking of New York City, I'm going there! This weekend! It's exciting, because I've never been to the City before. I mean, I've been in Port Authority, and I spent about 5 hours walking around with my parents, but everybody was miserable and we had all our travel stuff with us, so I don't count it. And Caleb said he'd be there too, which means we can discuss some things that I guess we need to talk about. I am excited!