Too bad I don't get to smoke out of a prize like that one.

Mussels and frites! Jason made the frites, my pop made the mussels, and the women folk sat around the table drinking beers and heckling. It was excellent.

I got my mom to buy this for me, and she bitched about it until I made her try some, and now she bought her own. Pahaha my mom likes bwine.

I went to get dim sum with my father this morning at Thai Cuisine, and it was delicious, but it was definitely not good for me.

My mother took me straight to A&W after fetching me from the airport. Hell yes.

I have never eaten these, but I think I might give them to Hattie for next valentines day. Or, you know, as a housewarming gift or something.
Speaking of Hattie, I hope Nationals went well! I wish you were home with me, because it would be so much better. You too, K.Dub.
This is definitely no good for me, but I LOVE IT anyways.
YEEEESSSSS! All those things!!! I want all those things!