I like them because the vocals are never overpowered by the instruments and the lyrics are sometimes important but not too deep. They don't put me in a mood, ever. Psychedelic Folk is such a strange genre, but I admire them for sticking around in it for so long. Fleet Foxes is totally stealing their thunder, by the way. Their music makes me think of summer and the woods and being outside someplace green. Set 'Em Wild, Set 'Em Free is the best album I've heard in a while. Maybe it's just that I want the summer, but I think it's because the songs are just so fucking good.
When I look at them, though, I get all confused.
One of them looks like a weird hybrid of Aaron Speiser
I kind of want to think they like to LARP, but something tells me that they know better. They definitely look like they like to trip, which I hope is true. Weirdos are more fun if they don't have some stupid rule against mind expanding substances, because like Chimney Witz (née Hancy Fotel, née Kelly Steyer) says, if you won't trip, you're just afraid of yourself.
Their beards are all ridiculous, their hair looks unwashed and unbrushed, I don't understand their wardrobe, and they can't dance at all. But I think they're delightful and they don't take themselves too seriously, which is always important if you're fucking crazy.
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