Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Whatever You About To Discover, We Off That

So I was trying to write this itty bitty paper for Psych on Diffuse Axonal Injuries and the corresponding affected areas of the brain last night, and I might have stayed up until 3. This morning, while prepping to do some ab-and-thigh-and-butt busting moves, I discovered in an email that I had to write a paper in response to a reading I hadn't done for my first class. I got it done, but I didn't bust any part of my anatomy before school, nor did I drink a full cup of coffee or eat anything besides half of a banana.

And then it was SO HOT all day. I got a giant cup of iced coffee from PJ's at lunch and went to the park where I ate an apple and shared it with one skinny squirrel and one fat one. On the way through the quad to take money out of the ATM, I passed one of those girls giving away free energy drinks. Despite the potential for ulcers and stress disorders, I took one and then drank it during Psych.

After class I went to the sculpture quad to try to finish the reading I had to do for my last class, but I couldn't focus on the page at all, so I lay down in a scratty patch of grass with my sunglasses on and my head on my backpack. Next thing I know, the phone is buzzing under my head and it's almost 5. There I was, after 20 oz. of coffee and a Monster, sleeping like a homeless person in the quad.

Last night in my effort to avoid actually writing anything about the prefrontal cortex, I downloaded a bunch of stuff, including the new Jay-Z album and Kid Cudi's The Man on the Moon: The End of Day. As a result, I've been listening to these songs all day:

Hate all you want on Aubrey Graham, but this shit is killer.

Stupid Cudi blocked embedding of the real video, but you can watch it

And, because I'm just that awesome, download The Blueprint 3
And Man On The Moon: The End Of Day

P.S. Welcome to the blog, bitches!

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