And then it was SO HOT all day. I got a giant cup of iced coffee from PJ's at lunch and went to the park where I ate an apple and shared it with one skinny squirrel and one fat one. On the way through the quad to take money out of the ATM, I passed one of those girls giving away free energy drinks. Despite the potential for ulcers and stress disorders, I took one and then drank it during Psych.
After class I went to the sculpture quad to try to finish the reading I had to do for my last class, but I couldn't focus on the page at all, so I lay down in a scratty patch of grass with my sunglasses on and my head on my backpack. Next thing I know, the phone is buzzing under my head and it's almost 5. There I was, after 20 oz. of coffee and a Monster, sleeping like a homeless person in the quad.
Last night in my effort to avoid actually writing anything about the prefrontal cortex, I downloaded a bunch of stuff, including the new Jay-Z album and Kid Cudi's The Man on the Moon: The End of Day. As a result, I've been listening to these songs all day:
Hate all you want on Aubrey Graham, but this shit is killer.
And, because I'm just that awesome, download The Blueprint 3
And Man On The Moon: The End Of Day
P.S. Welcome to the blog, bitches!
.... dangerously close to crackheaddom.