Sunday, June 7, 2009

Simple Things

Jason and Isabel are getting married on Saturday, and so today Caleb and I went shopping to find something for me to wear. On the invitations they stressed that guests should not look too fancy because there's some kind of ersatz kickball game after the ceremony and apparently it's mandatory.

So after much deliberation and forcing Caleb to walk back and forth between Target, Old Navy and the Gap, I finally decided:

Mine is more this shade of turqouise, but otherwise it's the same.
I've been on this mad health kick lately which means I've been going to the gym and also that more things fit me and look better on me than they used to; probably the reason I like this dress so much is that it makes a really excellent line. Plus it's preposterously comfortable and I can't imagine kickball being a difficult sport to handle while wearing it. I wanted it in purple, but apparently so did everybody else, because there weren't any left in my size.

I also purchased this breezy number from Target mostly because I couldn't not.

I tried to not buy it, but lost the battle. It's the first all-white dress I've owned, and I'm kind of terrified that the first time I wear it I'll fuck it all up, but thats what God invented bleach for, right?

After I picked my mother up from Talbots, she wanted to go to Target, so I trekked the shiny floors again. Not going to lie, the amount of time I spent in the mall today kind of made my brain into soup. She was kind enough to buy me some zebra flats I had been ogling:

Caleb doesn't like them, but to that I say: Fie! Are they shiny? Are the zebra? Then YES. A thousand times yes!

Also a thousand times yes to this scanwich:

The News & Observer: The O.B.L.T. (Outrageous B.L.T.) Applewood-Smoked Bacon, Fire-Roasted Jalapeños, Tomatoes, Avocado, Homemade Garlic Mayo, Local Greens on Sourdough

which I unfortunately did not get to eat today (or ever) but am planning to create someday soon or possibly tonight, in my dream life where I can eat anything I want and have a beautiful, eternally stocked kitchen and a professional dishwasher.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Well, I Guess I Could Wear It Every Now and Again

I watched The Spirit today, and despite all the nasty things reviews said about it (rotten tomatoes, film junk, variety) I enjoyed it.

Yes, it may have been predictable at times, and it is unfortunate that the hero looks better with a mask on than with it off. But unlike Sin City, The Spirit was ready to admit that it is the bastard child of nerds with computers and nerds with comic books. And the cast was pretty impressive.

It was, of course, the only logical choice for Samuel L. Jackson to play the nefarious Octopus, and honestly I thought he could have been better. (I know, I know, Samuel L. is a God, I am a blasphemer.) Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes were devastatingly hot (firey?) (a fire?) as Silken Floss and Sand Serif. And Gabriel Macht. Oof, when his voice was all gravely and he had a tiny smile...his last name is a conjugated form of the German verb "to do" if that manages to explain anything. In real life though, he's blonde and not as hot without a mask pasted on. But don't get me wrong. I'd still let him touch it.

Other nice things include the sequined pieces from Stella McCartney's Spring/Summer 09 line. I know, the time for talking about S/S 09 has already passed, but since summer 09 still hasn't happened yet, I don't care and I'll talk about them anyway.

Things that sparkle are always good, but if you were mostly sparkles all over? Too good to be true.

Also, I can't help it, Hattie has infected me with her love of all things gray and sweatery.

Other good things that are gray include MacBook Pros and the new cat box I purchased today. Hopefully Talullah's litter won't stick to the bottom of my feet when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night anymore.

Monday, June 1, 2009

That's That

This week, Caleb and I decided to do something new: sign up for a fashion community. We've been obsessively trolling for months now, and finally decided to quit pussyfooting around and get some accounts. Well, to our surprise, you have to be invited to join, like it's some kind of secret super elite thing.

So we went out yesterday to take all these outfit pictures so we would have something to post, and now we can't even post them because we haven't been accepted to the community yet. We're still in the rig-washing, beer-buying probie stage. Not even, really though, because we still haven't made it out of probie school at all.


This fine young gentleman is decked out in some Urban Outfitters corduroy pants, thrifted GAP sweater, thrifted shirt, and thrifted Keds. Photography and compilation by me, of course, duh.

H&M dress, GAP cardigan, Target tights, gazillion year old shoes.

Even if LOOKBOOK doesn't like us, I like us so it's all good.

Plans for this week include finishing a dress I'm trying to make, taking more outfit pictures and posting them, and watching Tron with Caleb and Kirsten.