Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bitch I'm With You If You With Me

I am really excited to go to the wintry wintry north. Snow is beautiful, so I hope there will be some. I don't have to stay at my parents house the whole break, which is really nice because if I did we would probably get in some explosive fights and it would be a giant bummer. Jason is letting me borrow his truck while he's in Florida, a super nice big brother thing for him to do. All week I've been trying not to post on this stupid blog, but it's the best form of procrastination, so I've been all over it. Just today in the library when I was supposed to be studying psychology I was collecting winter images and print inspiration for next semester. Here, look at them.

Winter stuff

I am excited for sweaters.

This one is print stuff and winter stuff. Ohmygodit'scrazy

Print stuff

I just thought this was neat

In other news, I have been listening to only Blakroc and the new Rihanna album, and it might be making me insane. I drank 3 cups of coffee today and I was literally shaking when I went into my psych final. I was pacing around outside finishing my cigarette and talking a million miles a minute. It was impressive, I thought. I never pace.

Tonight, me and Jenn are going to sit around and get totally faced together while Kelly's at work. I'm excited.


this jam is about us. you know it.
also, preview of lizard print! edition is an exploration of the making of a shade of green. i know, wtf that sounds tarded. beel liked it.

exam! in 32 minutes and then im DONE!!!!


The Black Keys + Mos Def + Jim Jones = Blakroc

I'll be done with the semester after today. I can't wait.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Who's Got A Big Red Cherry Nose?

So I LOVE Christmas, as you probably already know. Last night we put up the Christmas lights, and drank a bunch of egg nogg (too much, probably) and listened to Christmas music and made snowflakes. I super wanted to post this Bob Dylan Christmas video because it's incredible, but he's a dumb fuck and so I can't. But look it up! Here is a still:

I can't wait to see your lovely faces again and drink nogg and play in the snow!